Karlova 153
Cancellation terms

Cancellation fees:

  • Free cancellation 30 days before arrival
  • 100 % from reservation price when canceling reservation less than 30 days before arrival
Additional terms and conditions
1. Prices and services

Approximate prices for accommodation and any other services are published in the presentation materials of the property (web pages, leaflets, etc.).The customer, however, is bound only by the confirmed price stated in the accommodation voucher.The range of services and prices contracted is bound by the listing on the voucher. The property owner is entitled to change the agreed parameters of his services in circumstances beyond his control (such as an 'act of God').

2. Cancellation by customer

The customer is entitled to cancel the reservation any time prior to arrival. The cancellation should be in written electronic form (email with confirmation) to rezidencekarlova@greenproperty.cz. The time of cancellation is determined by the date and time the email was sent.

In the case of large groups an individual cancellation fee can be discussed.

The provider of accommodation ('the landlord') will not charge a cancellation fee in the following circumstances: family bereavement, hospitalization of the customer or a family member, serious illness, military call-up, disaster. For the previous reasons the customer has to provide proof within 3 days of the event.

3. Validity

These terms and conditions are an integral part of the reservation and accommodation voucher.

Legal informations

Green Property s.r.o.
Nekázanka 880/11
110 00 Prague 1 – Old Town
IČ 29055253    
DIČ CZ29055253

Registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 163312.

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